Monday, November 28, 2011

Madison Avenue Monday: Look Before You Lean

 I love everything about this look, from the design of the suit (McCall's 8623) down to the faux pearl costume jewelry:

From McCall's Patterns, Fall-Winter 1967-68


  1. That is a classic look! I had a suit like that only in navy. I bought it in about 2000 or so. Would have loved the hat to go with it. :)

    Do they still make the pattern?

  2. Hi Nani, that's a good question. As far as I know this pattern hasn't been re-issued by McCall's/Butterick/Vogue, but you never know.

    I'm sure your suit looks fabulous in navy. I'd love to see a pic. And the hat -- I love the hat too!

  3. I adore old ads! This one is great!

  4. If I leaned back on my shoes like that I used to get yelled at! i love the suit. I see similar patterns quite often on vintage sites. Collette, I bet you have a few too!


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