Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Vintage Thingies Thursday: Rosey Grier's Needlepoint for Men

Father's Day is almost here, and what better way to celebrate than why commemorating those crafty men out there. For this Vintage Thingies Thursday, I bring you Rosey Grier's Needlepoint for Men, published in 1973:

Some of you may remember that Roosevelt "Rosey" Grier played football for both the New York Giants and the Los Angeles Rams in the 1960s and later he began a successful acting career.

This is a fortunate find from a used bookshop, and I just couldn't put it down. I don't think that there is another book like it in existence! How could someone just give this rare little gem up? It is signed by Rosey himself:

A couple of photos of Rosey in action:

Surrounded by a few completed projects.  I like the frog pillow:

The caption says, "Me, with most of my menagerie.  I may be too old to sleep
with a panda, but I sure can needlepoint one."  Too cute.

An example of one of the easy needlepoint designs in the book for the guy into sports (and by the way, enlarge the photo and you can print it out and use it too!):

A photo of Rosey with a finished commissioned canvas:

I hope you enjoyed this edition of Vintage Thingies Thursday.  Be sure to visit the other participants at Coloradolady's blog.  And a happy early Father's Day to all the dads out there, including my own, who played poker with Rosey a few times and told me that he's a really nice guy!


  1. "I may be too old to sleep
    with a panda, but I sure can needlepoint one" A manbroiderer avant la lettre! Enjoyed this v much :D

  2. On the cover, he looks like he got 'caught' stitching. Freeze!

    And the way his tall self is folded up onto the shag rug in several shots is unforgettably funny. Incredible find. Really fun.

  3. He definitely does not look like the needlepoint type person. Regardless, he did do great work. That is a real treasure you found in that book.

  4. I love that book. I featured it on my show, my podcast and did a post about it, and other books about needlepoint written by men:

  5. Thanks for the great comments! Glad to hear you enjoyed this post.

    LV, he's a BIG guy -- 6'5" and close to 300 lbs. it certainly doesn't look like he would be interested in needlepoint or could find a needle that wouldn't get lost in his hands. Certainly I think about the old saying, "You can't judge a book by its cover."

    Ben -- I'll have to check out your post and show!

  6. this is awesome! I love it! :-)


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