Monday, March 14, 2016

I'm Back

Hello! It's been a while, hasn't it?

Lately I've been thinking about this blog a lot, and I realized how much I miss sharing my vintage and creative life here. Have you heard of the #yearofmaking hashtag, where participants commit to doing something creative for thirty minutes every day of the year? While I was away I wrote a novel for young adults (I'm still working on the second) and learned a lot about my creative process as it relates to writing.

In doing so I established a habit of doing something creative everyday. Although I didn't sew or crochet much while I was diligently writing my novel, I did dabble in art journaling for a couple of months and found out how much I love mixed media. Right now I'm on a crocheted beanie kick. Being creative in some way each day, even if it's just to try out a new recipe, is very soul-satisfying.

Blog posts give me more space to "talk" about books and projects and other stuff that I love in a way that other platforms don't. So, I'm back. There won't be an "official" schedule, but if you follow me via Bloglovin', email, or Facebook you won't miss a post.

Ta-ta for now!


  1. Collette!!! Welcome back!! You have been missed!

  2. Wow,what a tremendous accomplishments, your novel and doing something creative every day! Congrats!


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Have a great day!