Monday, September 17, 2012

Madison Avenue Monday: Conquer Fat Forever!

Just started a new diet today.

It's 2012.  Why hasn't a pill that actually works been invented yet?

Doctor's Pill ad, Madison Avenue Monday, Serendipity Handmade
From McCall's Needlework & Crafts, Fall 1977

1 comment:

  1. The argument could be made that they'd be one in the same, but I wish there was a pill out there that let you eat whatever you wanted without the risk of gaining weight!

    Thank you very much for both of your blog lovely comments today, dear gal. I don't post on my Scrapbook Blog nearly as often, as CV is my principle site, and haven't been crafting much at all this year (between the health and our big move), but I do pop up there every now and then to share a new project or scrapbooking related thought. :)

    ♥ Jessica


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