Monday, November 21, 2011

Madison Avenue Monday: Special Thanksgiving Edition

So while planning my Thanksgiving menu I ran across some recipes I've been saving for a while.  Aren't these perfect for the upcoming holiday?

In addition to your turkey, how about piping hot Spam Italiano?  Made with good Hormel ham!  Mmmmm.

magazine and date unknown

Perhaps you'd like to make some hot baked "Po-tunas" -- potatoes, stuffed with tuna and covered in cheese sauce -- on the side:

from Los Angeles Times Home magazine, March 16, 1969

Finally, how about some chocolate chip cookies topped with ice cream and...lemonade sauce.  Makes your mouth pucker with delight!

magazine and date unknown

I'm always tickled by what I find folded inside of vintage sewing patterns or tucked into vintage cookbooks or magazines.  Usually I call them "fortunate finds".  But not today!  Happy Madison Avenue Monday.  Make these if you dare!


  1. I don't know about lemonade as an ingredient, but I love lemon curd so I'm trying to give that one the benefit of some doubt. I'm more confused about how to eat that. The pyramid implies group eating, but the ice cream puts a definite time limit on it unless you're partying in a freezer. What a mess.

    The other two are pretty gross though.

  2. These are awesome! I sent the winner their patterns, thank you for hosting the giveaway!!

  3. Oh wow. Now I am just not hungry at all...........

  4. I love old magazines, but I cannot look at the old food ads. "Po-tunas?" What were people thinking!?


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